Great show real folks doing real things . Love your work and the style you bring to these great old rides that deserve to be recreated . Keep up the good work and good luck with your show . I even got granny watching your show she loves the humor . It’s about time we get some WestSide flavor to watch . Hope to hell your crew gets 6 more !!!!!!! Gas Monkeys are cool but everyone has to work their way up and you are a Good example of making it happen .
Love the show and how ya’ll keep it real! Honest, and for the love of old cars and bikes! More importantly for the love of Jesus Christ! Here in Kentucky we do a biker ministry, and a hotrod ministry! Thanks dude and hope to see more shows! “When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us; love,joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness,and self-control” Galatians 5:22-23 Godly character includes all of the fruit of the Spirit.
Where are you Brother JD? Is the show coming back bro? Are you guys getting another season? I loved watching he show. In fact, it was my favorite show on TV. I admire the way you all were so real and down to earth. Your show was real, with no B.S. I felt like I was in Cali with you guys on every show.
I hope you get another season bro. Next time I’m in Cali, I’m definitely stopping through!
This is your boy Vic, showing you some Detroit love. Motor City wants to watch more Turn and Burn!
I like you show. You inspire me to do what you do on my level. I see you do music too. Maybe that can be incorporated into the show somehow. I love the street sceenes in Cali. It’s like watching The Rockford Files, The car, California were all charcters.
Brother JD, Love the show. I have been doing the hillbilly hoodrat all along and did’nt know it until you explained it in your own way. I am from the south and can relate with your West Virginia roots. If ever I make it out to Venice. I would like to look up you and the good people you work with. I like the expression “Jank and go”. Good luck on the show and the business. You’re show is down to earth and alot different than what is on television these days. and thanks for that.
May 2, 2014 at 4:52 pm - Reply
Thanks for the show Bro! Having a guy like you and your crew representing us lowly west coasters is great! Your show really dose the working man honer. All these other shows where the guys pull out huge amounts of money get old quick. Like who has that kind of cash anyway? El-Rey’s garage is the kind of shop we would hang out in back in the seventies. Back when you went to the wrecker for you parts bought what you could afford then ran the wheels off what you built. I just watched your BAJA BUG episode. Brought back 1975 the summer before I went into the service. My Budy bought a old beat up VW BAJA bug and we climed every hill we could get too with that jelopey. Unbelievable fun. Anyway you and your shop represent the best the west has going. Great Shop” Great Show” it’s nice to know that we have a real car and bike show to watch. I’m really sick of all the Texas and coneticut rich phrat boy car shows. Don’t get me wrong if a show has cars it has my interest. But when the big hype for the next weeks episode is so you can find out witch two of the blue collar guys are getting fired ” well it’s just not for me. When on your show you talk about making payroll so your crew can feed their family’s ” well that’s a show worth watching. Really glad your back on the air, showing us the art if finding cool old cars for the bright price” then showing us the old school affordable working mans way to turn it into something very cool. Best of luck to you and yours bro. Thank you
Brother JD you and the MAN JC!! have got mucho good vibes coming out of my tv Brother!! The best car show going on TV period! Rockin’ it for the working guy who’s next car isn’t coming from an auction with a $100,000.00 price tag!!! Keep it running Velocity Network you are on something here!!
Shouts and prayers to you and yours from OCEAN CITY MARYLAND!!
Yo Brother JD,,, over here in England loving the show, Danger rides, hood rat, your lingo is alone worth a season, lol.
In all seriousness you are flying the flag for the average family man who is chasing his dream, personally you are a huge inspiration to me as I am trying to get a business going over here, I am into Americans history of the motor vehicle and love the cars from 1900 to early 1970’s as economy started impacting mid 70’s.
I am trying to get a garage and get importing cars from the US and you make cars that haven’t got a huge amount of $$$$$ in, Redneck Mechanics no air tools.
I watch velocity channel a lot, but I only record 1. YOURS. I want to be sure not to miss 1. Thanks guys for a great down to earth show, love it keep up the great work.
Currently watching Turn and Burn in the UK on the Discovery channel. Absolutely love this show. Brother JD, your lyrics are off the hook boy! I’m totally addicted. Keep up the good work.
Brother Jd you rock and so do the crew the show is bomb. And love the baja bug and the we can’t forget the famous saying Intro net. Keep up the awesome work can’t wait for season 2. Miles
Just wanted to say brother JD and his son are great people. I rode through California this summer and stopped and talked to them for a couple of hours. Thanks again for taking the time to talk to me. I hope they bring you back for more seasons, keep up the great work. I wish you the best. God bless all of you. Ride on brother.
Love the show, love the attitude. Just lose the ‘isms and the whole “Payday, Nayday” thing? If your not gonna lose it, at least keep it to once an episode! Love the Rides man!
Actually I like the payday / nayday thing. I don’t think it’s affected at all. I bet if I had the pleasure of meeting Brother JD in the flesh, that’s how he talks. I appreciate the occasional bubble help for some of the hillbilly slang I don’t know like buy-and-fly etc. And as someone else said I think “intronets” is very funny too. If it makes me laugh out loud then what’s wrong with it?
Absolutely love the show….always tape it if I can’t watch it as it’s all about “grass roots” work. Nothing too fancy, just regular guys doing cool stuff. Take care my friend and don’t change anything!!!!
Love the show and really hope it returns to America soon. Brother JD is very entertaining and I like he buys and sells old cars and motorcycles. No other show like it!
Just watched the Baja Bug show. I loved the way he pronounced it “Badge-a” all the way through cause when he was a kid he had a toy and he didn’t know how to pronounce it right. That’s authenitc. This guy is the real deal, not an annoying poseur like unfortunately some of the other car shows. The show has an honest and entertaining feel and I’m always glad to watch it.
Bruce and Bev
February 25, 2015 at 1:52 am - Reply
WE watch the show here in Australia and LOVE it! WE are coming to visit you in a few weeks too 🙂
Hey JD, I’m late here, but I have just been watching a few episodes of Turn and Burn.
It is great to see a solid man inspiring people, looking after his family and “taking care of business”.
Some of your rides have been very cool.
The world needs more like you. Don’t ever change!
Brother JD…..feeling the positive vibe from Turn & Burn….you clearly have a great time working and doing a honest business. May your Karma continue to crush others Dogma! Always remember if good karma was easy everyone would do it…..and as you know good karma is in short supply. Should I find myself in your area, we will do business introducing my big behind to the drivers seat of a well muscled, wide tired, asphalt eating, late 60’s early 70’s Chevelle.
Greetings Brother J.D. and crew.
I was up late one friday night when your show happened to come on. I was like great, another car show…though I enjoy watching. As I watched how you guys were putting together that VW wagon, then the Baja Bug, I was intrigued. But then I noticed your accent that you have, which sound liked you might have been where my family is from…which is Louisiana. Then I noticed something else, but could not quite put my finger on it. I then saw a cross
necklace that you had on and the older guy was wearing a shirt that said something about prayer and God. Hallelujah! Finally, christian guys working on cars…something that you just dont see. Later I read about you and what your show is totally about. Thank God, a christian based show…how awesome!
I live in Montgomery County, Maryland. The next county over from P.G. where your from and an area that I am familiar with. I plan on purchasing a beenie
and shirt to wear for next years’ Ocean City, MD 2017 spring car cruise. I thoroughly enjoy your show and hope that you guys work on a mid 60’s Cadillac Coupe DeVille…a car that I am in the market for. I wish you guys continued success and blessing with your show. Peace.
Brother JD…my wife and I just watched a couple of episodes of Turn & Burn and we both agreed that you are the most entertaining of all the car shows out there. Your shop looks like a real shop unlike some of these other shows that look like a factory floor. We’re sorry to learn that your show was cancelled.
Hey brutha JD! What’s going on, son!? Love the Turn & Burn show & all the crew! Hopefully Velocity TV will reconsider and crank out more new episodes! Keep saving those old vehicles & bikes! God bless you all! From: Mr. Ed, in the north Chi-town burbs (Winthrop Harbor, IL.)
Literally just discovered you this morning. Turn & Burn was on at the health club so I was somewhat compelled to watch while on the treadmill. Enjoyed it and you. Went to website and read your GREAT testimony. Your story is well written and certainly provides a tremendous witness to our Lord and his faithfulness. Keep it up. Our prayers are with you & family, Brother.
DANGER RIDE !! Turn and burn inspired me to get out in my garage and get my 1953 Chevy that’s been in my family 31 years back on the road better then ever ..Happy to call you a brother
Brother JD rocks had a great show, than those ——— took it from us. But we still now have wrench wars . You rock brother , and all ways will. Get back to us . Miles and young Miles ???
January 4, 2019 at 12:15 pm - Reply
Love you JD! Your for real! Love your show! You are one Cool Dude!
Hey guys !
I just want to be totally honest. Me and my pops get extremely high and watch your show together. We crack up and just enjoy our time spent ! Life is too short. My dad thinks Brother JD is THE MAN ! The coolest cat around. I would love to purchase a shirt from you guys or anything that REPRESENTS EL REY, BROTHER JD & his familia/crew. You guys are the shit ! If not, totally cool. Hope this message puts a smile on someone’s face. Stay safe, be easy !
michael craig
September 2, 2021 at 12:41 pm - Reply
A show for the average guy hot-rodder on the street that doesn’t have a lot of money to build a rod, so he builds his own in his yard. Hotrodding has gotten way out of hand as far as cost, and a lot more kids would be into it, (instead of gangs, etc) if they could afford it, you know? I’m way past being a kid, but I can relate as I’ m a professional poor guy, and have been for years– anyway, keep up the good work, love the show!!
JD – my brother – I thank you for sharing how you found peace in your heart. Like you, NONE of us are perfect. Just trying to find our way during our short stay on this world. Bless your lovely wife and family. Still love Betty…
love you guys keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome work and love the show. I have a 1948 ford truck that could use a little tlc from El Reys someday!
Great Show! Keep on doing what cha’ do…Cars, Bikes, Love and family too! Right On! I will be tuned in here in Portland, OR. Whoo-wheee!
This Texan loves some El Rey’s Garage, Gas Monkey not so much. You guys are keeping it real!
4sure this show iz dat good good i be on it
Great show real folks doing real things . Love your work and the style you bring to these great old rides that deserve to be recreated . Keep up the good work and good luck with your show . I even got granny watching your show she loves the humor . It’s about time we get some WestSide flavor to watch . Hope to hell your crew gets 6 more !!!!!!! Gas Monkeys are cool but everyone has to work their way up and you are a Good example of making it happen .
you guys do great work keep it up you show that you don’t need a lot of money to do is smoke and ride
cool man! hope to see you soon!!!
Love the old cars & your my kind of people. Everyone loves a danger ride.
Love the show and how ya’ll keep it real! Honest, and for the love of old cars and bikes! More importantly for the love of Jesus Christ! Here in Kentucky we do a biker ministry, and a hotrod ministry! Thanks dude and hope to see more shows! “When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us; love,joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness,and self-control” Galatians 5:22-23 Godly character includes all of the fruit of the Spirit.
Love this show, wish there was more son..
Great show down to earth ,grass roots, back yard building just how it should be
hi jd great show am getting the word out here in England
keep it as it is don’t change it.
Where are you Brother JD? Is the show coming back bro? Are you guys getting another season? I loved watching he show. In fact, it was my favorite show on TV. I admire the way you all were so real and down to earth. Your show was real, with no B.S. I felt like I was in Cali with you guys on every show.
I hope you get another season bro. Next time I’m in Cali, I’m definitely stopping through!
This is your boy Vic, showing you some Detroit love. Motor City wants to watch more Turn and Burn!
– Peace
Man love the show here in Australia..
JD awesome show love watching it all the way from Australia. You need to do more el camino’s
AWESOMENESS love it we get here in Australia what a cool show love the way it comes across just so cool 🙂
I like you show. You inspire me to do what you do on my level. I see you do music too. Maybe that can be incorporated into the show somehow. I love the street sceenes in Cali. It’s like watching The Rockford Files, The car, California were all charcters.
Brother JD, Love the show. I have been doing the hillbilly hoodrat all along and did’nt know it until you explained it in your own way. I am from the south and can relate with your West Virginia roots. If ever I make it out to Venice. I would like to look up you and the good people you work with. I like the expression “Jank and go”. Good luck on the show and the business. You’re show is down to earth and alot different than what is on television these days. and thanks for that.
Hey JD,
Thanks for the show Bro! Having a guy like you and your crew representing us lowly west coasters is great! Your show really dose the working man honer. All these other shows where the guys pull out huge amounts of money get old quick. Like who has that kind of cash anyway? El-Rey’s garage is the kind of shop we would hang out in back in the seventies. Back when you went to the wrecker for you parts bought what you could afford then ran the wheels off what you built. I just watched your BAJA BUG episode. Brought back 1975 the summer before I went into the service. My Budy bought a old beat up VW BAJA bug and we climed every hill we could get too with that jelopey. Unbelievable fun. Anyway you and your shop represent the best the west has going. Great Shop” Great Show” it’s nice to know that we have a real car and bike show to watch. I’m really sick of all the Texas and coneticut rich phrat boy car shows. Don’t get me wrong if a show has cars it has my interest. But when the big hype for the next weeks episode is so you can find out witch two of the blue collar guys are getting fired ” well it’s just not for me. When on your show you talk about making payroll so your crew can feed their family’s ” well that’s a show worth watching. Really glad your back on the air, showing us the art if finding cool old cars for the bright price” then showing us the old school affordable working mans way to turn it into something very cool. Best of luck to you and yours bro. Thank you
Brother JD you and the MAN JC!! have got mucho good vibes coming out of my tv Brother!! The best car show going on TV period! Rockin’ it for the working guy who’s next car isn’t coming from an auction with a $100,000.00 price tag!!! Keep it running Velocity Network you are on something here!!
Shouts and prayers to you and yours from OCEAN CITY MARYLAND!!
Yo Brother JD,,, over here in England loving the show, Danger rides, hood rat, your lingo is alone worth a season, lol.
In all seriousness you are flying the flag for the average family man who is chasing his dream, personally you are a huge inspiration to me as I am trying to get a business going over here, I am into Americans history of the motor vehicle and love the cars from 1900 to early 1970’s as economy started impacting mid 70’s.
I am trying to get a garage and get importing cars from the US and you make cars that haven’t got a huge amount of $$$$$ in, Redneck Mechanics no air tools.
Keep on keeping on!
Peace Bro
I watch velocity channel a lot, but I only record 1. YOURS. I want to be sure not to miss 1. Thanks guys for a great down to earth show, love it keep up the great work.
Love the show keep pumping them bad boys out
Lee Cantwell
Currently watching Turn and Burn in the UK on the Discovery channel. Absolutely love this show. Brother JD, your lyrics are off the hook boy! I’m totally addicted. Keep up the good work.
Love the show. Just started getting Turn and Burn in the UK. Love the vibe. Been calling people ‘time burglars’ all day. Keep keeping it real. Cheers
Hi jd
Awesome show on discovery uk.
Enough said
Brother Jd you rock and so do the crew the show is bomb. And love the baja bug and the we can’t forget the famous saying Intro net. Keep up the awesome work can’t wait for season 2. Miles
Just wanted to say brother JD and his son are great people. I rode through California this summer and stopped and talked to them for a couple of hours. Thanks again for taking the time to talk to me. I hope they bring you back for more seasons, keep up the great work. I wish you the best. God bless all of you. Ride on brother.
Brother JD. I love the show and watch it over and over. REAL CARS- REAL GOOD FOLKS. Can’t wait for another season.
Love the show, love the attitude. Just lose the ‘isms and the whole “Payday, Nayday” thing? If your not gonna lose it, at least keep it to once an episode! Love the Rides man!
Actually I like the payday / nayday thing. I don’t think it’s affected at all. I bet if I had the pleasure of meeting Brother JD in the flesh, that’s how he talks. I appreciate the occasional bubble help for some of the hillbilly slang I don’t know like buy-and-fly etc. And as someone else said I think “intronets” is very funny too. If it makes me laugh out loud then what’s wrong with it?
Absolutely love the show….always tape it if I can’t watch it as it’s all about “grass roots” work. Nothing too fancy, just regular guys doing cool stuff. Take care my friend and don’t change anything!!!!
shout outs from Arizona. Be blessed brother.
Love the show and really hope it returns to America soon. Brother JD is very entertaining and I like he buys and sells old cars and motorcycles. No other show like it!
Brother JD is wild as long grain rice! !
Just watched the Baja Bug show. I loved the way he pronounced it “Badge-a” all the way through cause when he was a kid he had a toy and he didn’t know how to pronounce it right. That’s authenitc. This guy is the real deal, not an annoying poseur like unfortunately some of the other car shows. The show has an honest and entertaining feel and I’m always glad to watch it.
WE watch the show here in Australia and LOVE it! WE are coming to visit you in a few weeks too 🙂
Great show!!! But I want new episodes tired of all the other stuff on tv. Time for the FELONY HOLE.
Love the show, and the crew is awsome, even the hillbilly painter love it all hope for more episodes, thanks brother JD
Love the show Brother JD, next time i’m in your area I would love to stop in and meet and greet and of course buy a shirt!
Hey JD, I’m late here, but I have just been watching a few episodes of Turn and Burn.
It is great to see a solid man inspiring people, looking after his family and “taking care of business”.
Some of your rides have been very cool.
The world needs more like you. Don’t ever change!
Brother JD…..feeling the positive vibe from Turn & Burn….you clearly have a great time working and doing a honest business. May your Karma continue to crush others Dogma! Always remember if good karma was easy everyone would do it…..and as you know good karma is in short supply. Should I find myself in your area, we will do business introducing my big behind to the drivers seat of a well muscled, wide tired, asphalt eating, late 60’s early 70’s Chevelle.
Greetings Brother J.D. and crew.
I was up late one friday night when your show happened to come on. I was like great, another car show…though I enjoy watching. As I watched how you guys were putting together that VW wagon, then the Baja Bug, I was intrigued. But then I noticed your accent that you have, which sound liked you might have been where my family is from…which is Louisiana. Then I noticed something else, but could not quite put my finger on it. I then saw a cross
necklace that you had on and the older guy was wearing a shirt that said something about prayer and God. Hallelujah! Finally, christian guys working on cars…something that you just dont see. Later I read about you and what your show is totally about. Thank God, a christian based show…how awesome!
I live in Montgomery County, Maryland. The next county over from P.G. where your from and an area that I am familiar with. I plan on purchasing a beenie
and shirt to wear for next years’ Ocean City, MD 2017 spring car cruise. I thoroughly enjoy your show and hope that you guys work on a mid 60’s Cadillac Coupe DeVille…a car that I am in the market for. I wish you guys continued success and blessing with your show. Peace.
Brother JD…my wife and I just watched a couple of episodes of Turn & Burn and we both agreed that you are the most entertaining of all the car shows out there. Your shop looks like a real shop unlike some of these other shows that look like a factory floor. We’re sorry to learn that your show was cancelled.
Hey brutha JD! What’s going on, son!? Love the Turn & Burn show & all the crew! Hopefully Velocity TV will reconsider and crank out more new episodes! Keep saving those old vehicles & bikes! God bless you all! From: Mr. Ed, in the north Chi-town burbs (Winthrop Harbor, IL.)
Russia watching you! Good show
Literally just discovered you this morning. Turn & Burn was on at the health club so I was somewhat compelled to watch while on the treadmill. Enjoyed it and you. Went to website and read your GREAT testimony. Your story is well written and certainly provides a tremendous witness to our Lord and his faithfulness. Keep it up. Our prayers are with you & family, Brother.
DANGER RIDE !! Turn and burn inspired me to get out in my garage and get my 1953 Chevy that’s been in my family 31 years back on the road better then ever ..Happy to call you a brother
Brother JD rocks had a great show, than those ——— took it from us. But we still now have wrench wars . You rock brother , and all ways will. Get back to us . Miles and young Miles ???
Love you JD! Your for real! Love your show! You are one Cool Dude!
Hey guys !
I just want to be totally honest. Me and my pops get extremely high and watch your show together. We crack up and just enjoy our time spent ! Life is too short. My dad thinks Brother JD is THE MAN ! The coolest cat around. I would love to purchase a shirt from you guys or anything that REPRESENTS EL REY, BROTHER JD & his familia/crew. You guys are the shit ! If not, totally cool. Hope this message puts a smile on someone’s face. Stay safe, be easy !
A show for the average guy hot-rodder on the street that doesn’t have a lot of money to build a rod, so he builds his own in his yard. Hotrodding has gotten way out of hand as far as cost, and a lot more kids would be into it, (instead of gangs, etc) if they could afford it, you know? I’m way past being a kid, but I can relate as I’ m a professional poor guy, and have been for years– anyway, keep up the good work, love the show!!
Going to Long Beach next month. Just checking to see if you guys would be around? Would love to meet you guys in person.
JD – my brother – I thank you for sharing how you found peace in your heart. Like you, NONE of us are perfect. Just trying to find our way during our short stay on this world. Bless your lovely wife and family. Still love Betty…
Your 12 valve Cummins swap to the ambulance inspired my to swap a 66 GMC 4000 cam on a 66 dodge 1 ton with the Cummins. Thanks brother